什么是网络可观察性. 监控)? -可观察性用例


苏珊·乔治。 2022年7月18日

当你想到你的人际网络, 您很可能会想到十大赌博正规老平台器和路由器, 开关, 和防火墙. 但是,它的内部状态呢? 出现了哪些瓶颈,在哪里? 用户的需求在哪里增长,在哪里减弱? 多么紧张的资源啊?

These are all elements of network observability – a critical consideration for ensuring that you can identify barriers, 最大限度地延长正常运行时间,实现业务关键任务目标.


Network observability is the ability to easily identify 和 answer questions about your network in real-time, 然后利用这些信息做出明智的决定来管理和 优化网络资源和资产.


为什么可观测性数据很重要? 最终,你的团队需要这样做 维护数据中心的正常运行时间 并且能够识别甚至预测故障点. With the breadth of IT tools available today, it is inexcusable to be surprised by downtime. 拥有CPU和内存使用等可观察性指标, 随手可得的日志和跟踪数据可以帮助您 防止代价高昂的网络停机 or 减少MTTR 如果不可避免.

How does observability stack up against other critical elements of IT resiliency, 像监控, Visibility, 和遥感勘测? In this section, we’ll explore the most important things to know about IT observability.

网络可观察性vs. 监控

正如前面提到的, network observability is the ability to answer questions about the internal state of your network based on Visibility into the network 和 its related assets. In comparison, monitoring is the practice of keeping tabs on network activity 和 asset conditions. This can be achieved through network monitoring tools, methods, 和 protocols, including SNMP轮询和陷阱、SFlow和J0Flow、网络日志和警报. 监控通常是自动化的, although acting on the data surfaced through monitoring frequently requires human intervention. 它通常也关注设备健康, 而不是从最终用户的角度分析网络健康状况.


Park Place Technologies was recently named in the GigaOm Network Observability Radar Report as a “fast mover” 和 “leader” for Entuity软件™. 下载报告,查看顶级可观察性工具 在今天的市场上!

网络可观察性vs. Visibility

Observability 和 Visibility can seem pretty similar, but the truth is that they differ dramatically. Whereas network observability is the ability to answer questions about network conditions 和 performance, 网络Visibility是监控的结果. 它是通过使用我们上面提到的工具和协议而得到的数据. 虽然这意味着要理解网络中正在发生的事情, 它不如可观察性那么全面. 它还主要专注于个人网络资产, 而不是更大的图景, 而且它没有从终端用户的角度出发.

网络可观察性vs. 遥测

遥测是一种用于从不同系统收集数据的工具或协议. In fact, you can define telemetry as an act – the act of collecting data from remote systems. 然而, 要有效率, 收集到的信息必须经过标准化和转换,以供人类使用. 像这样, 遥测是网络观测过程的一部分, 但这也是常规监测过程的一部分.


Network observability is built on three individual pillars – event logs, metrics, 和 traces. 然而, 应该注意的是,简单地启用日志, 度量和跟踪不会使系统更易于观察. Your IT team must use your observability infrastructure to unlock the information necessary to create stronger, 从长远来看,更有弹性的系统.


First, they must focus on end-user experience instead of network asset functionality or condition. 终端用户体验应该是网络功能的定义指标. 毕竟, it doesn’t really matter which assets are working at peak capacity 和 which are not if you’re unable to deliver an optimal user experience. 这只会导致用户转而使用其他系统, 导致用户/客户满意度受损, 甚至会损害公司的市场份额.


In addition to focusing on end-user experience, organizations must use telemetry for NetOps. The most relevant types of telemetry for network monitoring include device telemetry, 合成数据, 数据配置.


最后,组织能够确保十大赌博正规老平台保证是至关重要的. By building an observability platform or system using the appropriate telemetry methods, 清理数据并对其进行有效建模成为可能. 这保证了观测平台的高质量数据, which then generates more relevant information to keep teams informed about the condition of the network at all times.


网络的可观察性并不总是容易实现的. Several common challenges can affect the success of your distributed systems observability. 我们将在下面探讨其中的三个.

环境复杂性—— The more complex an IT environment, the harder it is to achieve observability into your system. 在当今极其复杂的经济环境中尤其如此, ever-changing cloud 和 hybrid cloud environments where resources can be scaled or added 和 subtracted at the drop of a hat.

This complexity is amplified for acquisitive companies that frequently need to integrate new networks into their existing environment. 幸运的是, 网络发现软件网络自动化技术 减少了这些过程中的摩擦吗.

错误的预生产环境 虽然在开发过程中测试已经取得了很大的进步, it remains impossible to accurately predict the impact of human users on a system while that system is in pre-production. System or application observability usually must wait until the code is published.


数据孤岛 Data silos are problematic in all organizations, although they were once considered unavoidable. 它们的出现是因为各个部门拥有数据, 但是今天, 信息必须在整个组织中自由流动. 数据被锁在竖井里, it becomes impossible to underst和 interdependencies across the entire environment. 在迁移到云端时尤其如此, 这可能涉及多个云和数字渠道.


网络可观察性如何影响现实世界的网络使用? Below, we’ll touch on three of the most important observability use cases to underst和.

1. 根本原因分析和调试

Debugging can be incredibly challenging thanks to the distributed nature of networks. The ability to quickly triangulate 和 identify the root cause of an issue is hampered. 有了可观测性工具,这已经成为过去. 开发人员, 系统工程师, 和 technicians can answer critical questions based on accurate network diagnostics to identify the root cause of problems 和 ensure accurate debugging.

2. 告知网络架构

系统设计总是一个大问题. 正确的网络体系结构对于广泛的考虑是必不可少的, from operability 和 reliability to ensuring communications across an organization. 通过网络可观测性, it becomes possible to answer questions like whether an OSPF design is working correctly. It also becomes possible to accurately forecast network convergence 和 predict how convergence will change with more devices added to the network.

3. 这报告

Reporting is a critical consideration but generating information can be challenging. It requires asking the right questions 和 then being able to access relevant information. 例如, 通过询问在过去24小时内网络发生了什么变化, it’s possible to create daily reports that inform team members 和 allow them to develop an accurate, 对网络状况的共同理解.


您是否正在寻找工具来进一步授权您的IT团队, 或者你对不干涉的管理方式感兴趣, 园坊科技可提供全面的网络支持.

Entuity,我们 领先的企业网络监控软件, 能帮助你的团队快速发现设备吗, 可视化您的网络拓扑, 轻松过滤和管理事件, 并分析系统流程. 企业是易于观察的, 并且可以帮助您的团队主动识别和修复网络问题.

对于更自动化的网络管理方法,请选择 托管IT基础设施十大赌博正规老平台,如ParkView managed services™. 侨福可作为您团队的力量倍增器, providing integrated management across multiple layers to streamline your storage, 十大赌博正规老平台器, 以及网络环境. 我们还补充了 网络硬件维护 确保你的设备不会产生瓶颈.

Contact Park Place Technologies today so we can better underst和 和 solve for your organization’s unique needs!


Susan是Entuity软件的高级产品经理, the industry-leading network performance monitoring software from Park Place Technologies. Susan is responsible for defining 和 driving the functionality available within Entuity, 以及推动全球产品路线图.