How to Reduce Network Downtime for Enterprise IT

Park Place 专业十大赌博正规老平台

约旦麦克弗森 - global Network 和 Server Management leader - headshot
约旦麦克弗森 2022年2月7日
3 Steps for Preventing Network Failure
1. 备份十大赌博正规老平台器
2. Monitor the Network 24x7x365
3. Be Redundant — in a Good Way
Redundant Network Connection

Remember when data center managers sought “五个 nines” Uptime (99.999%), allowing systems to go offline for less than six minutes per year? Then the industry started talking about “six nines” 和 even “seven nines,” pushing the envelope toward always-on digital solutions.

如今,很少有企业能够承受关键任务系统十大赌博正规老平台的短暂中断. The consequences are just too expensive. 这一现实使得IT专业人员开始寻求防止网络停机的新思路.


考虑一下你可能听说过的一个广为吹捧的统计数据:IT停机一分钟的成本为5美元,600. 听起来价格昂贵. But 那 number was estimated by Gartner 2014年.

Eight years is an eternity in IT. 在这段时间内, 几乎所有企业都与复杂的数字基础设施紧密相连. Downtime has become more costly, data center infrastructure management more critical. 确切的成本将取决于您的业务受到关键系统损失的影响程度,以及在没有这些系统的情况下业务的运行能力.

female technician preventing network failure in data center

A 来自Veeam的2021年报告 估计IT中断一小时的平均财务影响为85,000美元. 研究 发表于科技频道 indicates 那 for almost half of businesses, the costs of downtime exceeds $1 million per hour, at least during the COVID-19 p和emic. Data 由Statista编译 支持后一种说法.

There are so many better ways to spend 那 kind of money. Rather than risking customer relationships 和 br和 reputation, we recommend investing in Uptime-enhancing measures.

3 Steps for Preventing Network Failure

Attending to three fundamentals, potentially getting some help from a reliable partner, can slash network outages 和 minimize their impacts if the worst happens.

1. 备份十大赌博正规老平台器

如果整个十大赌博正规老平台器或组件发生故障,定期十大赌博正规老平台器备份对于避免数据丢失至关重要,但它们的效用要大得多. 良好的十大赌博正规老平台器备份实践还使数据中心团队能够快速地使十大赌博正规老平台器恢复在线状态, before outage effects can escalate. 记住3-2-1备份规则:至少保留三(3)份数据副本, store two (2) backup copies on different storage media, with one (1) of them located offsite.

how to reduce network downtime using backups

常见错误, 然而, 是信任,但从不验证十大赌博正规老平台器是否可以在灾难恢复或其他场景中恢复. Issues arise more often than one might expect, 因此,频繁的测试是必要的,以确保创建所有这些夜间和实际实时备份的努力不会在关键时刻被证明是毫无价值的.

2. Monitor the Network 24x7x365

本地网络中断很少发生——在此类事件发生之前,经常会有迹象. That’s why smart IT pros keep constant watch over their networks, 做比传统的网络停机监控更多的工作,以识别早期指标并建立有效的响应.

Monitoring systems all day, every day, is challenging for any network operations center (NOC), no matter how well staffed. Intelligent network 监控 systems or data center hardware 监控 能否减轻负担,同时提供网络基础设施健康状况的完整图景并快速授权, accurate fixes to any problem.

Download our FREE eBook today,并发现网络监控软件最常见的七个用例!

3. Be Redundant — in a Good Way

No one wants to hear 那 their job has been made redundant, but redundancy is otherwise highly prized in enterprise IT.

最好的建议是:把你的IT基础设施当作你在太空中生存的唯一手段. NASA’s space shuttle circa 1981 飞与 五个 IBM电脑, 四个冗余配置,一个用于热插拔,以防不可想象的情况导致前四个崩溃.

Unexpected 和 uncontrollable events occur here on earth, too. 从飓风到深度冻结等自然灾害可能会中断电力和网络连接 data center physical infrastructure. DDOS attacks 和 other hacks can hobble your ISP, as can a wayward backhoe 那 cuts a fiber optic cable.

Then there is 那 constant nemesis, human error. Even Facebook has to confess to a 十大赌博正规老平台器升级失败 那 affected apps used by billions of people. 错误发生. When they do, redundancies are your friend.

Once again, think in threes:


When it comes to the electricity you need to run IT hardware, 不间断电源(UPS)是防止意外断电的第一道防线. 在供电不稳定的情况下,为每台设备或每组设备安装UPS,以备蓄电池备用.

As with any battery, the stored juice is limited. 因此, 发电机系统能够提供数小时或数天的电力,是主要数据中心和关键任务设备中ups的理想补充. UPS将作为敏感硬件的电源调节器,并维持正常运行时间,直到发电机启动.

Redundant Network Connection

Internet is another essential service in the modern enterprise. 每个组织都应该考虑投资于具有自动故障转移功能的多个互联网连接. 也没有, we don’t mean wired 和 wireless connectivity from the same provider, as both may fall prey to a single issue. 与至少两个不同的网络运营商签约,并确保备用运营商为您所需的操作级别提供足够的带宽. 花第二(或第三)份高级网络合同只会让你觉得是浪费,直到你需要它的时候.


当最坏的情况发生时, 如果所有重要的数字十大赌博正规老平台和数据资源“转移”到一个或多个主机上,你可以真正为公司节省开支. Smaller businesses may find cloud storage of files sufficient, if they rely on a provider with geographically disparate, 冗余十大赌博正规老平台器群.

然而,大多数企业需要一个完整的主机托管来满足所有业务需求. As with server backups, don’t “set it 和 forget it” with 主机托管. 组织定期维护和故障转移测试,以确保设备和十大赌博正规老平台在需要时能够正常运行.

Minimize IT Downtime with Data Center Service Provider

What if you have strong backup processes, intelligent network 监控 tools, sufficient redundancies 和 are still struggling with downtime? 如果你的团队被每周的故障预防清单压得喘不过气来,你又能提供什么帮助呢? 像Park Place Technologies这样的全球数据中心和网络优化合作伙伴可以提供帮助.

If you’re interested in a more 完整的解决方案,我们的 IT infrastructure managed services 可能会很合适. 我们提供 enterprise network managementserver management services处理补丁管理, 打破/修复补救, 以及端到端管理,这样你的团队可以专注于更多的战略计划.

定期 补充帮助, consider leveraging outside expertise for 它的部署, 数据中心迁移, storage migration projects, as well as the many installations, moves, additions, changes (IMAC) involved in running a data center. 合适的合作伙伴可以让您相信,所有与硬件相关的任务都经过了良好的计划,并完美地执行到最精细的细节.

day-to-day 和 unexpected issues (we are talking about failures 和 outages, after all), 远程操作十大赌博正规老平台 按需提供, pay-as-you-use technical resources for onsite IT infrastructure tasks, whenever 和 wherever you need them around the world.

你可能会想到 data center professional services 作为一种为IT基础设施管理方程式的人力方面带来更大冗余的方式. 需要更多信息? 立即十大赌博平台排行榜!

约旦麦克弗森 - global Network 和 Server Management leader - headshot


Jordan负责指导Park Place的ParkView管理十大赌博正规老平台部门的全球网络和十大赌博正规老平台器管理产品. 他的职责包括与销售、市场营销、企业运营和R部门合作&D团队开发并向市场推广公园广场的世界级管理十大赌博正规老平台. He brings 12 years of global experience in planning, 监控, delivering IT 十大赌博正规老平台, 包括在MSP IntelliNet被Park Place收购之前担任近10年的团队领导和战略应用开发人员. Jordan is a graduate of Ohio University.