
Park Place Hardware Maintenance

多亏了科技的进步, 正如摩尔定律所准确预测的那样, 你复杂的IT资产在不断地周转. 虽然这些进步的影响可能对企业有益, end users, and the planet at large, these developments can quickly complicate your life as a Data Center Manager or Systems Administrator.

虽然管理IT基础设施的生命周期并不是您唯一的工作, it can absorb disproportionate amounts of your time if you don’t follow best practices.


IT Lifecycle Management (ITLM) is the process of identifying which purpose each component of your current or ideal IT infrastructure serves, 它能最理想地维持这个目的多久, 然后计划退休, replacement or upgrade.

Ordinarily, 组件可以是物理资产,例如十大赌博正规老平台器, storage, or networking gear, but can also be housing infrastructure from a chassis or rack to a data center location or series of locations. 一些企业可能会选择包括数据管理, human resources and contractors, and policies, 系统或软件的生命周期管理过程.



  1. Planning
  2. Procurement
  3. Deployment
  4. Management
  5. Decommissioning

IT生命周期管理是IT团队的消耗吗? Learn how to minimize IT chores while simultaneously minimizing downtime and reducing TCO by watching our 免费网络研讨会:IT基础设施管理-如何保持预算 & Innovate.


Infrastructure lifecycle management is ever-changing and always growing more and more complex. 对IT团队的期望以复合增长率增长, 而你的预算似乎每年只增加几个百分点. The following three challenges are among the most common throughout the IT lifecycle management process.


Growth is necessary in a healthy system, but managing growth can present difficulties. The more assets, systems, applications and events that get added to an IT ecosystem, the more 网络和数据中心问题 are created. Reduce friction by streamlining common tasks and reduce human error by implementing automation tools, like 实时网络监控软件.

Technical Debt

未完成的项目待以后修复, or legacy systems and code will hinder efforts if there’s no unified IT lifecycle management process or single set of tools to manage everything within your organization. 这些工作也可能因为没有足够的员工而受阻.


Business Continuity (BC)

A strong BC plan recognizes potential threats to an organization when planning replacements, hardware upgrades and data center decommissioning. As an IT Ops professional, you have a need to ensure the vital business objectives are met and you leverage maximum uptime.


A consistent IT infrastructure lifecycle is one that looks after the entirety of your organization and stays true to being cyclical: each stage proceeds from the last and into the next.

Content Management

内容的基础设施生命周期管理, software, and patches across all assets helps eliminate risks involved with compatibility, 未签名的打包或安全漏洞.


您的业务依赖于IT系统、正常运行时间和加载速度. 如果用户不能快速访问他们需要的数据, 这可能会对公司的利润产生直接影响. Provisioning at scale over co-located data centers using platform-agnostic tools becomes easier with a properly implemented management system.



See at-a-glance what your IT estate encompasses and how it’s operating against baseline configurations and data gleaned from the past. 您可以通过以下帮助实现这一点 IT asset discovery tools, 网络资产发现软件, or manual inventory methods. This enables you to achieve your desired system state that stays in line with budget constraints.


The ideal outcome is to end up with a list of all your infrastructure components and their current utilization across your organization. You can then find areas of optimization for efficiency that can impact the following: updates, power usage and cooling, extended warranty coverage, 为新资产和机会制定预算,以节省成本.


Through the management of hardware end of life dates, coterminous contracts and an overview of all upcoming important infrastructure milestones, 你可以定义你的购买目标, procurement and decommissioning. 每个企业都有需要考虑的独特需求. 在规划时,考虑如何重用退役资产; what to do with old IT assets,以及如何找到他们的替代者.


By reincorporating information from the decommissioning and budget management of your existing assets, 以及将老化资产转移到灾难恢复或备份, you can free up budget for the year ahead to identify key assets for procurement. By working with a third-party maintenance company or with careful planning, your 资讯科技采购管理实务 是否也有助于降低成本和风险.  When procuring new assets, have a plan for their deployment as well as a strong idea of their end-of-life dates.


Installing and implementing the components of IT infrastructure using highly skilled technicians, 管理员和托管十大赌博正规老平台提供者是必不可少的. IT asset deployment is where both the planning and procurement stages pay off and the benefits of a fully developed planning system are realized. 在部署时确保这一点, 对于这些资产将如何执行,您拥有完全的透明度和监控.


Asset Management (ITAM)

在维护和测量期间, automation of procedures and continuous delivery can yield further improvements. These IT asset management practices 除了防止安全漏洞之外, improving UX, and legal and compliance monitoring can then feed back into the planning and procurement phases. 及时了解最新的发展,并制定维修计划, 更换和/或升级该设备.


You can maximize asset recovery value or offset new equipment costs by reincorporating aging assets back into your system in areas that are less critical as part of your asset lifecycle management. Otherwise, establishing data destruction standards 通过适当的数据退役和 IT asset disposition procedures is vital.

不要让你的数据落入坏人之手! Download our whitepaper and discover the 5 Things You Need to Know About Reducing Data Security Risks During Asset Disposal Today!


The technology lifecycle management best practices can be broken down into three easy steps:

1. Keep a Current IT Inventory

你的清单应该包括对资产的描述, 他们的标准操作基准, end-of-life dates, parts, spares, contracts and SLAs, 以及位置、硬件和软件细节等元数据.

2. Contingency Planning for EOL & EOSL

确保符合升级要求, 对企业需求的适应性, 计划逐步淘汰不安全或不受支持的技术. 在难以及时获取IT硬件的时候, 第三方数据中心维护 companies can provide multi-vendor support to extend the life of your IT infrastructure.

3. 利用网络和硬件监控

你能得到的最好的信息来自你自己的组织内部. Use 网络、存储和十大赌博正规老平台器硬件监控工具 to stay on top of your own baseline statistics and inform your next quarter or annual plans. Automating data center chores can help free up your team’s time for more strategic initiatives.


幸运的是,有一些战略合作伙伴可以提供售后十大赌博正规老平台 network maintenance, storage maintenance, and server maintenance or a more comprehensive infrastructure managed services 包,以减轻或消除IT杂务的压力.

Park Place Technologies can shoulder the tedious infrastructure tasks that burden your team so that you can focus on strategies that help future-proof your operations. 立即十大赌博平台排行榜,了解我们如何帮助您优化IT输出!


About the Author

Michael Jennings,高级产品经理,负责产品管理
Mike's primary role is to maintain and execute the product support roadmap and roll-out strategy for Complex-Enterprise Server third-party Hardware and Software maintenance for Park Place Technologies.