Your Guide to the Data Center Decommissioning Process


迈克Nicholis 2022年3月28日

So, you’ve taken the decision to close or relocate your data center. 不像搬到新家, it’s not as simple as boxing up your belongings, switching off the lights and locking the front door. 安全退役需要数月的精心规划,以确保过程顺利进行.

Wherever you have chosen to host your data, the potential for disrupting business is 更伟大的时候 你关闭了一个数据中心 比你一开始打开的时候要多. 为什么? 因为,your critical data and business processes can live-on, housed on old devices that have been repurposed elsewhere.  

Data Center Decommissioning Reasons and Use Cases

结束数据中心的生命周期并不是您或您的组织应该轻易做出的决定. 经过几个月的深思熟虑,最终决定将一个(或多个)数据中心设置为冗余.

data center decommissioning process in action

今天的数据中心经理有无数的选择来实现混合IT基础设施,比如云, 主机托管设施, or merging data centers into a more manageable footprint.

Of course, the public cloud was the game changer. 使用其他公司的安全和高度可访问的数据处理设施,运营商可以减少开销和资源,同时提高灵活性和数字能力.

Many DCMs have opted for a hybrid, part on-prem strategy. 例如, they’ve moved specific intensive workloads such as archiving to the cloud, leading to redundancy of dedicated disaster recovery data centers.

As workloads have successfully transferred to the cloud, 成千上万的公司证明,关闭大型中央数据中心可能是一个明智的选择. 随着我们越来越快地处理数据,遗留数据中心的退役可能会继续进行, ‘edge’ mini data centers that bring local computing power closer to end users.



消除风险最直接的方法之一是遵循预定义的数据中心关闭清单,这将为存储在设备上的所有敏感数据提供安全性,同时从退役的IT设备中获得最大的转售价值. We’ve complied 7 of the most pressing considerations to work into your environment.

1. Create your Data Center Decommissioning Scope

每个计划都始于有效的范围界定. 在范围内, you will need to detail a timetable (that includes an optimal date based on likely business impact and available resources); a budget to decommission (that includes any potential resale values) alongside a full scope of work that considers processes, 安全程序, 职责与处置.

范围界定从清单开始. 您必须了解数据中心中有什么,然后才能采取步骤使任何部分退役.

2. 资产发现和盘点

您可以手动进行资产发现, physically capturing on-site detailed inventory, 位置, 资产类型, 软件加载.

另外, you can use an ITAD partner’s automated discovery service that captures, 发现, 更新, 详细描述了整个全球遗产, isolating 位置s in mind for decommissioning. 自动化的原因之一 网络资产发现 may be preferable is that it 发现 and details dependencies prior to shut down. You can assess the impacts of shutting down a particular asset.

Starting a decommission without a detailed list of assets, 地点和序列号是不可想象的. 在开始时捕获这些信息可以确保在结束时对所有IT资产和数据中心设备进行计算, which is important for financial and legal recordkeeping.

3. 退役计划

Once equipped with a real-time view of your devices, you can dive into the detailed planning required for decommissioning a data center. At this step of your decommissioning project, 您应该找到一个专业的合作伙伴,他可以带领您完成安全数据迁移和资产处置的后勤丛林. 一个好的合作伙伴还将通过找到最佳的转售价格来帮助您最大限度地恢复IT资产的价值.

Accurate documentation cannot be stressed enough to prove data erasure, 破坏, 以及销毁/处置证书.

For a full 硬件 decommission in a standalone data center, take the following steps:

  • 从一个完整的 IT硬件资产发现
  • Work out a logical order for physical removal with minimal impact, 这其中就包括了累垮的十大赌博正规老平台器, 磁盘, 网络设备, 路由器, 十大赌博正规老平台器, 网络, 路由器, 磁带库
  • Decommission the software –  SANs, firewalls, VMs etc.
  • Remove ancillary equipment – Docking stations, 联合包裹, 键盘, 架, rails工具, 电源线, 电缆和机柜
  • 停用十大赌博正规老平台器本身
  • 删除布线
  • 核对设备库存, and document any discrepancies against the original asset list
  • Ensure data 破坏 is watertight with linked reporting
  • 装箱、包装和装运设备
  • 将设备用上锁和密封的卡车运到有保障的设施,在那里资产准备转售或回收
  • Redeploy IT assets and server 架 where possible
  • Return any end-of-lease equipment and stop the contracts as soon as possible
  • 文档,文档,文档!

4. 物流物资采购

这看起来很简单,但是 物理数据中心硬件 会特别重. 用于回收和销毁的资产运输将需要托盘之类的材料, 盒子, 填充, 包装泡沫, 诸如此类. 除了, 你需要像叉车和托盘千斤顶这样的重型机械来运输托盘化的硬件.

以确保监管链的安全, 重要的是,移动卡车是锁和密封,以保护硬件被盗(和元素), 如果它们被回收利用).

Coordinate all these materials and machines beforehand, as supply chain issues can have a major impact on your decommissioning timeline.

5. 备份和ITAD

The next step is to take a comprehensive backup and double check it’s surety. By now, you will have engaged with a reputable provider of ITAD十大赌博正规老平台. Your provider should also double check your backups. 事实上,许多ITAD公司都提供 数据中心搬迁 通常包括支持 数据和存储迁移十大赌博正规老平台. 您的退役合作伙伴很有可能在整个过程中减轻您的数据负担.

Don’t let your data fall into the wrong hands! 下载我们的白皮书,了解在资产处置过程中降低数据安全风险需要了解的5件事!

一旦备份数据被验证为安全, decommissioning can start in earnest following your own plan that includes software, 硬件, 辅助设备, 机架和电缆.

你的设备是否具有转售价值取决于对资产年龄和状态的成本分析,以确定哪些应该被简单处理,以及它们可能的转售价值. 具有可重复使用市场专业知识的专业合作伙伴将对不同地区的市场价值以及如何以及在何处销售设备以获得最佳回报的物流有很强的把握.

When it comes to the materials to be acquired in a decommission, your partner will also consider the value of components for sparing.

data center shutdown checklist - man packing data center equipment

6. 打包搬家

With everything powered down and physically moved out of the data center, you can move to the final physical stage of decommissioning – disposition. 处置包括包装, 移动, palleting and terminating redundant contracts as soon as possible. Your ITAD partner will do the heavy lifting during this stage, 但他们可能需要你签署安全释放,因为遗留设备的运输离开你的设施.

7. 设备和会计跟踪

在任何资产——即使是那些在现场被摧毁的资产——离开大楼的范围之前, last verification checks should take place against the inventory, and again documentation should be accurately updated. 然后,这些信息应提供给会计和财务团队,以确保他们为年度会计累积了正确的注销.

Important items include the final resale price of 硬件 (if resold), that all 硬件 maintenance contracts have been cancelled, and that certificates of erasure or 破坏 have been processed.


Get Professional Help with your Network and Hardware Decommissioning

Going back to the residential 移动 analogy at the start of the blog, just as you would never move houses without a specialist 移动 partner, 在没有值得信赖的ITAD合作伙伴的情况下,最好不要尝试数据中心退役.

柏居科技提供 数据中心专业十大赌博正规老平台 that can facilitate your data center decommissioning from start to finish. 我们提供安全的监管链, and because we’re a consumer of used 硬件 ourselves, we make it easier to reclaim the value of your old IT assets.

Contact our team for a quote today before you even start penciling a high-level checklist!



As Vice President of 专业十大赌博正规老平台 Sales at Park Place, 迈克Nicholis负责监督全球专业十大赌博正规老平台产品组合的销售活动. Mike领导着一个由经验丰富的专业十大赌博正规老平台销售资深人士组成的团队,他们拥有数十年为各种规模的企业提供数据中心和IT十大赌博正规老平台的经验. Mike is an experienced leader with 25+ years in operations, 咨询, and professional services sales and delivery. Mike在建立高绩效组织方面有着良好的记录,专注于为客户提供卓越的解决方案和十大赌博正规老平台,以确保卓越的客户价值. 在被Park Place收购之前,Mike曾领导Curvature的专业十大赌博正规老平台交付组织.